Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blog Interrupted!

Stock Photo - job search word 
cloud concept. 
fotosearch - search 
stock photos, 
pictures, wall 
murals, images, 
and photo clipart

     Good Lord!
     When I started this blog,  my intent was to post once a week. My second post was going to be a little background information about me, however, there has been an unexpected development. 

     On September 19th, I was let go from my job!  My employer of thirteen years eliminated my position, gave me six weeks of severance pay (plus Unemployment), and sent me on my way.  Just like that.   

     Now, you might expect that I would be devastated, and that this would be a huge, scary ordeal.  In fact, it's been quite the opposite.  Once I got over the shock of it, and my hurt feelings, I was nothing but immensely relieved.  Relieved that I don't have to get up at 4:30 a.m. every day; relieved that I don't have to make that drive down to Troy anymore (one hundred miles and two-plus hours a day, five days a week); relieved that I don't have to contend with traffic on I-75 anymore; relieved that I don't have to spend $200 - $300 a month on gas anymore; and relieved that I don't have to deal with the brutal office politics of the place. 

     And, to be honest, it was more than time for me to move on.  I was bored, bored, bored with the job.  It wasn't challenging anymore - it was becoming mind-numbing.   In fact, I was already  planning to begin a preliminary job search after the new year. 

     The only reason - or, I should say - one of the main reasons I stayed as long as I did (besides the people there who have become my good friends) was for the tuition for school.  One of the benefits my previous employer offered was tuition reimbursement, and I took full advantage of it.  Since 2002, I have been going to Oakland University ( part-time, working on my bachelor degree. 

     I've only got one more class to go.  The long-term goal was always to leave my previous employer after I got my degree, so having my job eliminated and being cut loose now is really just putting this goal a year ahead of schedule. 

     So, between my severance package and my unemployment insurance, I've got the luxury of time to look for a new job.  I don't have to rush out and grab the first thing offered to me.  I've got six months to be methodical and thorough in my search for an opportunity which will be a good fit for me. 
     Since my last day at work, I have been busy updating my resume, reactivating my unemployment insurance and Michigan- Works ( account, and otherwise reassessing and getting all my ducks in a row.   Now that everything is in place, I am determined to find a new job in a timely manner, yet relax and enjoy my unexpected time off.  

     I am optimistic and excited about seeing where this new road leads. 

Until next time,
Robin in Flint