Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blight Me No Blight, Part II (Or, What It Takes to Raze a House)

     Demolition of abandoned homes in Flint is underway.  According to the Genesee County Land Bank (, this is what it takes to knock down a house:

  • $12,000  The average cost in Michigan for demolishing a single-family home.

  • $15,000  The potential cost for a house with hazardous material (including all houses that are severely burned, which must be treated and demolished as if they contained hazardous material.)

  • $10,600  The average cost for the Land Bank to demolish a home
      • property inspections & surveys:  $300-$600
      • abatement and disposal of hazardous materials:  up to $15,000
      • utility costs (disconnecting, etc..):  $250-$600
      • demolition permit:  $75-$350
      • structure & mandatory basement removal: $2300-$25,000
      • mandatory backfill with clean soil & initial site grading:  $1200-$2000
      • final grade, seeding & mulching: $500-$750

  • 3000  The number of structures the Land Bank has torn down in Flint since 2003.

          The Language of Blight 
      • reinvestment neighborhoodsareas near schools with recent investments in housing through the Federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program (
      • tipping-point neighborhoodsare neighborhoods with vacancy rates of less than 20% and have recently experienced an increase in vacancies and foreclosures
      • buffer areassurround reinvestment and tipping-point neighborhoods; and include neighborhoods with higher vacancy rates than adjacent areas targeted for demolition

Flint Demolition Map 2013

Some sobering facts and figures, eh?
Until next time,
Robin in Flint

Learn more about Flint at

* additional resource:
   Flint Journal
   article by Dominic Adams
   dated 10/27/13

Purple =   tipping point neighborhoods

Blue =  reinvestment neighborhoods

Light Green = buffer area neighbor    hoods

<---------  I live in a buffer area, the lower part of the green area just to the right of the Flint River (the big river in the middle)

*Dark Green = key corridor neighborhoods in critical need of demolition.