Monday, June 23, 2014

Opening Day!

     The Flint Farmers Market ( had its grand opening at the new location in downtown Flint last Saturday and it was.....grand!  I went, but couldn't stay very long because there were a bazillion people there and it got very claustrophobic for me inside.  Outside was packed, too, but at least I could breath out there.  I was able to stay long enough to see that the new location is AWESOME!  I knew it would be.
     Aerial view of the new location downtown.  The building is the old Flint Journal printing press building and it is HUGE inside.  The roof in the lower left corner is the outdoor pavilion which is also huge. 
     Out of the picture frame:  U of M - Flint ( is on the left side of the market and the city buses' central station is on the right (  If you are a U of M student, you can just walk across the street to get what ever your heart desires; Flint residents can take a bus from just about anywhere to get to the market.

     They moved the sign from the old location, which I was hoping they would do.  It's mosaic, and some of my nieces and nephews helped make it. 
The ribbon cutting!
Flint Mayor Dayne Walling (second from left in blue suit jacket) just after the ribbon cutting.
 The outdoor pavilion, used primarily by local produce growers.

Inside.  Wall to wall people as far as the eye could see!



Fresh food isn't the only thing at the market!

Beautiful flowers!
     Literally thousands of people showed up on Saturday for the grand opening and, despite grave concerns by the naysayers, there was plenty of parking.  I arrived around noon - it was already packed - and it only took me five minutes to find a parking space. 
     I had a great time, but didn't get to see everything.  I can't wait to go back during the week, when it won't be as crowded, so I can take my time to really explore it all. 
     The market originally started downtown, and to have it moved back there is very exciting and a boon to Flint.  It's a really big deal and I am happy that I got to be there on opening day to see this historic event. 
Until next time,
Robin in Flint
To learn more about the city of Flint, visit