Sunday, August 18, 2013

Back To Work and Back To Blogging!

     Well!  It's been almost a year since I lost my job of thirteen years (my position was eliminated), and it's been a busy and hectic year - a challenging year of upheaval and adjustment - but things are finally settling down.  My job search was smoother than I could have ever imagined.  It took me barely two months to land a job.  My last day with my previous employer was September 19th, I was hired by my new employer in mid-November, and was back to work on December 3rd. 

     Before I talk about my new employer, I must back track a little here.  My previous job was at a manufacturing plant down in Troy (in the shipping offices); and while I loved the people I worked with there, it was a very toxic environment.  The ONLY reason I stayed as long as I did (besides the people, and the Blue Cross) was for college tuition.  One of my benefits was tuition reimbursement and I took full advantage of it to finish my degree.  I went part-time at night, after work.  Right now, I am one class away from having that degree - and my previous employer paid for 90% of it!  How awesome is that?

     My long-term goal always was to leave that place after I got my degree.  I planned on finding a job much closer to home - but not just any job.  No, sir.  No ma'am.  I had criteria that must be met...

     My goals, at the bare minimum, were to find a job in - or very close to - Flint (so I wouldn't have to spend two-plus hours a day in my car); with a local employer who's business contributes to the local economy and who is deeply rooted and involved in Flint and Genesee county.  I wanted this because I plan to become involved in the on-going revitalization of Flint, and being with an employer who is like-minded would be a huge advantage.   

     Most importantly, though, I wanted to be in a positive work environment where I can use my skills; where I can learn and grow; and where people are treated like human beings, instead of disposable commodities. 

     You're probably saying to yourself - 'Yeah.  In your dreams, cowgirl.'  That's exactly what I thought when I first put it all down on paper while mapping out my goals.  Well, guess what!  I found it.  I found almost exactly what I wanted in a new employer, and I couldn't be happier!

     My new employer is Landaal Packaging Systems: a provider of eco-friendly packaging products, packaging supplies, and packaging services since 1959:   "From Design to Delivery!"   Check out the website:  You may not have heard of us, but I can guarantee that you are familiar with our work (more about that later). 

     Landaal Packaging is owned by the Landaal family, and they are deeply rooted, involved, and invested in Flint and Genesee county. 

     I am a procurement representative - I order the corrugated items needed for our ongoing and upcoming projects.  Packaging is a whole different world from fastener manufacturing and I've  learned a lot about it this past year, but I've still got a lot to learn.    
     The environment is wonderful, and is the most positive I've ever worked in.  It is a very team-oriented and very supportive atmosphere.

     My total daily commute is 9.6 miles a day and I spend less than 25 minutes a day in my car.  I can even go home for lunch if I feel like it!  A luxury, to be sure.

     I am very excited about my future, and the new adventures and opportunities coming my way, and I think it's going to be fun to chronicle it all here for anyone, or no one, to see.

 Until next time,
 Robin in Flint