Monday, May 5, 2014

A Jewel of Flint

The current location.  Often, local bands
perform outside, behind the sign.
     One of my favorite places in Flint is the farmers market (, which has been around in one form or another since its  beginnings on the corner of Beach and Kearsley streets in the summer of 1905.

A beautiful, busy day for the outdoor
 vendors at the current location.
     It was moved quite a few times before landing at its current location, in 1940, on the banks of the Flint River.  The building itself was built in 1940, and it is a good, sturdy building, but after 74 years, it's a little ragged around the edges, hopelessly outdated - and now, too small.

The indoor portion of the current location is open year-round.
     Good news!  It's on the move again.  On June 21st, it will open at its new site, the former Flint Journal printing press building (built in 2004) on First Street in downtown Flint.     

     It is going to be fabulous, and I can't wait to see it.  Weather permitting, I will be there for the ribbon cutting at the grand-opening on June 21st. 

An artist's rendering of the new location, which has its grand-opening on June 21st.

     Maybe I'll see you there, too!
Until next time,
Robin in Flint
Learn more about Flint at


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