Monday, June 9, 2014

A History of Buying Music in Under Five Minutes

     My history of buying music...


My 45 records and the box I kept them in;
collected when I was in elementary and
 junior high school (early to mid '70's)
     When I was in elementary school, I got my music on 45's, also known as singles (a single song on each side). 



   The first Stones album I ever bought 
   when I was in 7th grade.  One of the
   many albums I bought from the mid-70's
   through the early-to-mid  '80's.

     In junior high school, I discovered FM radio and record albums. 

The short-lived
8-track tape layer

The short-lived 8-track tape.

      Remember these extinct  dinosaurs?  I only ever had a few of these.  For about five minutes in the mid-'70's.

The more popular cassette tape.

AM/FM radio/cassette player
     The cassette tape dominated from the mid-'70's through the early '90's.  I had a ton of tapes.  We all did, and we played them on portable radio/cassette players which we carried with us everywhere (and later morphed into the Walkman).  Even in school.  Especially in school. 

Some of my favorite albums from
my compact disc collection: Concrete Blonde,
Guns-n-Roses, Dread Zeppelin, and U2.
     The CD first appeared in the mid-80's and dominated all the way through the early '00's.  At last count, I close to 550 of these (give or take). 

iTunes Store

And now, there is iTunes and the iTunes Store! 

Buying from iTunes a single off the new
Afghan Whigs album.

It's all come full-circle.  I'm back to buying singles again.  Just like I did over forty years ago.   

The Afghan Whigs on Letterman last week,
performing the fabulous song I just bought on iTunes
And there you have it.  Welcome to the 21st century.
Until next time,
Robin in Flint

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